772-335-5135 help@cherab.org 2301 NE Savannah Rd, #1771 Jensen Beach, FL 34957
  • Is your child really just a late talker?

    The Cherab Foundation is a worldwide nonprofit organization working to improve the communication skills, education, and advocacy of children on the neurological spectrum; with an emphasis on autism and verbal apraxia, a severe, neurologically-based communication disorder that used to be rare in pediatrics but has been on the rise within the past two decades.

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Is your child really just a late talker?

Cherab Foundation is a small, grass roots nonprofit for children with neurological or genetic impairments that affect communication with a focus on autism and the rare orphan diagnosis apraxia. Our mission is providing evidence-based and integrative approaches to help our special children with therapy, testing, nutrition, socialization, and awareness, especially those that are at-risk in the US and the rest of the world,  including low and middle-class countries. Without support, children in these situations are falling through the cracks in diagnosis, treatment, and then education and life.

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